Monday, July 14, 2008

The poster is done!

This Saturday I leave for Australia and the 9th world meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA). I didn't quite make the deadline for a paper submission (only missed it by three months) but did get a poster ready in time for the conference.

This is joint work with Robert Wolpert, and for this poster I wanted to get things right graphically as well as mathematically. Previously, I would just write a regular talk and print it out, putting it up page by page on the provided mounts. But nowadays that seems hopelessly retro, and so I wanted to create a single sheet poster that would do our work proud.

The result can be seen here. My goals: don't overwhelm the reader with details. I'll be at the poster able to answer questions and give details if necessary. Put enough graphs and pictures in to pique the interest, but also have enough text that the reader can get an overview if they are just browsing. And finally, as Robert told me: make sure there's some red in there. People stop and look when they see red.

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